PREREQUISITES Make sure following prerequisites are mate before running ionic application on Android Emulator Latest Java Runtime Environment and JDK Installed Android SDK has been installed with necessary API version and platform tools Apache Ants Must be installed in order to run Ionic Application on Android Emulator ( JAVA Config Installation Location: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0.0_51 Add following System Variable JAVA_HOME ==> C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0.0_51 Android SDK Installation Location: D:\Android\android-sdk-windows Add following System Variables ANDROID_HOME ==> D:\Android\android-sdk-windows Apache Ant Installation Location: D:\Apache\Tools\apache-ant Add following System Variable ANT_HOME ==> D:\Apache\Tools\apache-ant PATH Configurations Add following paths to PATH system variables ;%PATH%\tools;%ANT_HOME%\bin;%ANDROID_HOME%\tools;%ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tool Step 1 : Try to run Ionic...
Step 1: Install Node.Js Go to and download 32 bit / 64 bit NodeJs (Size Around : 5 MB) Step 2: Install Ionic run Node.js command prompt from windows menu and type following to install ionic npm install ionic –g Step 3: Install Cordova Now once you are done with ionic installation , install Cordova as follows by typing in Node.js command prompt: npm install cordova –g Step 4: Start New Ionic Project Node.js command prompt go to your favorite directory where you want ionic project reside type following: ionic start <YourApplicationName> <Template> for example: ionic start HelloIonic blank the ionic project will be created in the specified directory the ionic project files located in www directory for changes we will change the index.html file and take a look how it runs in browser I have changed following text in index.html : “Ionic Blank Master” to “Hello Ionic Starter” we will see how it runs in the browser Step 5: Ru...